Chapter 22: DTLA

I felt sick. Usually when I'm sick, I feel better after a day off, but I'm almost stuck for 3 days already. If it wasn't for my mother, I would have been sick all day, but I get up for a while to prepare my mother's meal. After preparing, I lie down again. On the fourth day, I felt a little better. Still, I asked my mother to take a full rest this week, but my younger brother said he couldn't come up because he was sick. TV suddenly connects the White House live and says it's lockdown due to pandemic, don't leave the house. I don't really feel the seriousness of the pandemic, but I think it went well because I'm not feeling well. I'm going to Market and Costco because I'm out of daily necessities, but the line usually has to wait for a few tens of minutes and the tissue is almost out. It was only then that the seriousness of the situation was felt.

I was trapped at home and watched the situation on TV, but now it is difficult to get around with protests and looting scenes everywhere. Now even the mayor and governor have come out to show the seriousness of the situation. As the protest calmed down, I had a reservation at my mother's hospital, and the doctor asked me if my mother had been vaccinated, and he said I should be vaccinated. I made an appointment at the USC hospital and got vaccinated with my mother. My mother is fine, but I suffered from the aftereffects of the vaccine for a few days. 

Restaurants and cafes also checked whether the customer had been vaccinated, so we were able to go around freely even though it was close to my mother's apartment after the vaccination. I spent most of my time with my mother in downtown. Homeless and messy places still exist, but there are many new cafes and restaurants everywhere. I cooked and ate at my mother's house, and after eating, we went to a nearby cafe and ordered coffee. My mother always ate everything deliciously. 

A few years later, the Olympics and the World Cup will be held in LA, and as a result, new buildings will continue to be built and developed, while the underdeveloped places will continue to go around the squirrel's wheel. The grand avenue project, which was in full swing, seems to have been suspended at the second stage. Still, when I go to drink coffee on Grand avenue with my mother, I feel quite clean and burdened. The people we meet also wave the hands happily. Sofi Stadium, the world's most expensive stadium where the World Cup finals are likely to be held, is really well-made. It is open in front of a small pond right in front of it, and it seems that it a small picnic is possible in the pond. The Clippers' basketball court is under construction next to the Sophie Stadium.

Behind USC, the Coliseum and stadiums for the Olympics are being redeveloped, and the Lucas Museum is being newly built. The new bridge on 6th Street in the downtown was reopened after several closures with speedy drivers and autobikers. When I come back to the 6th street viaduct, I always ask my mother next to me to be healthy and cheer for the Korean team at the Olympics and World Cup in LA.