Chapter 16: Oceanside

Nowadays, clocks that run faster than before make me feel the changes around me. It is already entering autumn. I've tried various things this year, but I don't think I've achieved any results properly. But now I don't feel good about it. Even if I don't know if it's because I've lost my desperation as much as before, or if I've spent my whole life, I seem to be at a point where I have to start anew. For some reason, I don't want to try to correct my relationship with my old friends, but when I have a chance, I just want to hear the answer to why that friend behave that way then. I woke up late and I had time, so I make carrot juice that my mother used to grind for me when I was a student. Carrots, celery, and apples were washed, cut, and ground together. When I was young, I was forced to drink it because it was good for the body, now it tasted good, but don't know whether I added apples or I used to it. My mother said she added some other green vegetables. It seemed better to be made by my mother for my health. 

I prepared breakfast again soon. Mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, and potatoes were cut into small pieces, and then egg garnish was made and poured onto them. Then, fold it in half and leave the cheese to dissolve in heat to a certain extent to make an omelet. It was a nice breakfast with jam-packed toast and orange juice. I drove south to soothe the boredom because I had time left. Along Route 1, the quiet, clean sea of Southern California followed. I usually go down to Laguna beach, but today I just went down more aimlessly. Had an ice cream at San Clemente and went down further. Oceanside came out as far as San Diego County. It was the place I always passed when I went to San Diego, but it was my first time getting off. It was a small, quiet pier with few people. Walking on the pier, the scent of the sea breeze seems to be approaching.

It was a day that started late thinking about going down further, so it was already late afternoon, so I went up north again. Whenever I went to this place, I visited mall where I could have something to eat and went down to the bottom of the beach for the first time. There were many lovers on the beach where the sun was set, and the romantic mood of the beach ripened with the red sunset. I left my sandals on the sand and went barefoot to the front of the sea. The cold waves filled up to the ankles. When lovers wrote down their lover's names for a sandy beach, hearts and "I Love You" were engraved. I decided to write down a phrase, too. From the title of a book, I read recently, I wrote "To Cove and Beyond" to mean that I'm starting again here at Crystal Cove from this moment with the hope of luck in the beginning.