Chapter 12: British Columbia

I still woke up before the dawn. I don't need a lot of preparation, just put bread, fruit and orange juice from the hotel dining room. It wasn't long until the border. It's still a dark before sunrise and there were almost no line waiting for the border. After passing a couple of cars, I submitted my passport. The officer in the border asked the question whether it is the first time to visit Canada. I answered, "That's right" he replied, "Have a good time in Canada." It looks the beach road, and the sun began to rise. I set a car next to the road and watched the sunrise in Canada. It is the same sun, but U was in different country, I felt like I met a new friend after immigration.

I kept up, but I thought that the city was 50 kilometers from my location to Vancouver, and I forgot that the city is a country using the meter rule. It's been a long time ago since I used the rule. I had brunch in food court, and I asked the water in the cup of water, but the clerk pour the water from kitchen sink. I was little surprised and bought a bottle of water. It was unusual for so many people around the street, and they followed one man and one woman walking in the street. The man's height looks like over two meters and the woman's height is near the height of 185. It's not only height, but their appearance was also brilliant. They were like a famous person in this region.

The shaking suspension bridges are famous for the northwestern Vancouver, and I bought ticket and went into the park. It's shaking bridges, but initially I thought I don't care about it, but I take the edge handle the edge to make a balance. It was a bridge built in the village where Indians lived in town. It seems to be reserved in good condition at management for tourism. The historical record is displayed with pictures. Canada was similar to the U.S. because it is neighboring country to U.S. in terms of culture and economical level. But when I checked the prices, the exchange rate differences in Canada and the United States reminds me that I am in Canada.

I continuously went up to Whisler Mountain. If it is winter, I probably saw a mountain covered with snow, it could be nice, but still the autumn leaves were pretty. The city hosted Winter Olympic in the past, so the hotel may be used as athlete's village during the past, and the hotel was all over the places. I can easily see someone who passes through bicycle, and white tourist came to talk to me, and asked where I came. He was so nice and is also from California. He said he is so glad to meet the person from same place. The lift was operated to mountains, but if I come up in winter, I think it will be cool. When I feel the autumn atmosphere while sip a drink and eat dessert in a cafe, there was exotic romance.